FCL.235 Skill test


(a) Through the completion of a skill test, applicants for a PPL shall demonstrate the ability to perform as PIC on the appropriate aircraft category, their knowledge of relevant procedures and manoeuvres with the competency appropriate to the privileges granted.
(b) Applicants for the skill test shall have received flight instruction on the same class or type of aircraft to be used for the skill test.
(c) Pass marks
(1) The skill test shall be divided into different sections, representing all the different phases of flight appropriate to the category of aircraft flown.
(2) Failure in any item of a section will cause the applicant to fail the entire section. If the applicant fails only 1 section, he/she shall repeat only that section. Failure in more than 1 section will cause the applicant to fail the entire test.
(3) When the test needs to be repeated in accordance with (2), failure in any section, including those that have been passed on a previous attempt, will cause the applicant to fail the entire test.
(4) Failure to achieve a pass in all sections of the test in 2 attempts will require further training.


Les tableaux de suivi des examens pratiques (avion et hélicoptère) permettent d’enregistrer les résultats obtenus pour les différentes sections pour 2 tentatives à l’examen pratique

Cf livret

tableau de suivi des échéances : page 4

Ed2 Rev1