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FCL.210 Training course
(a) Applicants for a PPL(A) shall have completed at least 45 hours of flight instruction in aeroplanes or TMGs, 5 of which may have been completed in an FSTD, including at least:
(1) 25 hours of dual flight instruction; and
(2) 10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross-country flight time with at least 1 cross-country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM), during which full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be made.
page 37
Ed2 Rev1
Description générale de la formation PPL(A) avec la ventilation des heures SOLO et DOUBLE.
Rappel de l’exigence d’une navigation solo de 150NM